lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

Hi Again!➽馃拑

Today I'm going to talk about Technology, I choose my actual phone (I know it is very boring and typical but it is the truth), I have had my phone since September of last year because I worked for 3 months just to buy it -and other things- so I had the money and I immediately bought it. I used to say that I was going to wait a while but I saw a golden phone and I felt the need to have it. Also, my old phone was very slow and the battery was bad so I couldn't wait anymore. 

I use it for many things like watching videos, listening to music, watching funny stuff , even for studying. Ultimately I use it too many hours of the day because if I'm bored I use my phone, I talk to my friends and recently it has been very important to study because it is very fast to search information (compared to my computer) and it is more comfortable when I'm in the subway and I want to study for a while. But is not very good for my eyes. I like it because it is very useful, when I have to write down something really fast or when I have to wake up in the morning.

Life without my phone wouldn't be catastrophic, I think that I could survive and I wouldn't lose so much time like I do now. But it would be boring because it is the easiest way to communicate with my friends and family.
 Resultado de imagen para iphone doradoblog phone GIF                                                                see you goodbye GIF

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Career Choice

Hello again,

When I was a child I always dreamed of being an athlete because I used to have a lot of energy and I used to run all over my house and jump over the couch, but when I became older I realized that these kind of jobs weren't paid very well and also I had an interest in helping people

When I was in school I always said that I was going to be a doctor but I never knew of what kind of doctor I wanted to be, so before I applied for college I started to investigate different areas of medicine, until I realized what I wanted to study Odontology. But I wasn't very sure because I used to think that you cannot work in many areas if you are a dentist. But I was wrong because you can work in several areas and have different types of jobs if you became a dentist, so after all my research about this career I finally decided that I really wanted to study Odontology.

Now that I'm here in this career I really feel that I'm fine with my decision because I like the environment, the people, the place itself, even the subjects but they are too general, I prefer something more specific related to the mouth area. Nevertheless I like the career and everything that has to do with it.

I don't really like to think about future because I think that things work better when they aren´t planned but I would travel a lot if I had the chance (of course doing my work as a dentist) and could help people that really need help and to improve their smiles.

teeth brushing GIF by Michelle Porucznik

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

Hi guys!

I was born on May 3, 2000 in San Bernardo. I'm the third child and the unexpected one. I have a sister called Francisca and a brother called Dante, we're very close to each other. We all went to the same school called Master College, so I never was the 'new kid' on school. I graduated school on 2017 but I decided to study one year at home because I wanted to prepare myself for college and I was try to figure out what university career I like the most.

Since I was a kid I always liked to help people and I always had curious for the human body and how it works, so I always like the Health area but I never knew what university carrer specifically. So I searched information about it and I finally decided that I wanted to study Odontology.

My hobbies are very common like watch Netflix, read books (not frequently like years ago), go out with friends or with my dogs and I also go to the gym but just for running and cardio stuff. I really like movies and I dont care about the genre of the movie but I'm not a big fan of superheros (do not  hate me)

Now I'm study what I like, I feel very happy about my decision, I had know very good friends in spite of the short time we have been in this place but I feel very comfortable with them and with the university in general terms.

raise hand GIF by Nick Jonas

Is butter a carb? 馃崕馃崺馃嵃馃崟馃崝

I'm a big fan of food, it makes me very happy and I like almost all kind of food but if I eat something  and it has onions on it, I wou...