lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

Hi again!

Today I'm going to tell you guys about a subject that I like, I choose English ( I'm not a bootlicker believe me). This class is about the English language in general terms, but associated with interesting topics or topics related with our carrer (Dentistry). There are levels of English classes based on a test that has an audio with questions about it.

I like this class because it is more chilled than the others, we have different forms of test, not just tests on paper, we have presentations, conversations, etc. Here we can talk about topics like discrimination, gender-problems, drugs. And we've talked about important people like Nelson Mandela and his story. 

Unlike the others subjects, this class doesn't make me feel anxious, it is more relaxed and interesting at the same time. My favourite activity was looking for places in London because I could find several places that I didn't know, and a lot of these are free :)

Learning English is very important, it is one of the most spoken languages in the world, it can help you get many oportunities like jobs or relationship with other people around the world. You can also find more information in English than Spanish and it could be very helpful.

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