sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

A TV Series I’ve Enjoyed Watching

Hi again, today i'm going to talk abot a TV series I've enjoyed watching:

Vis a Vis!

Vis a vis is a drama tv show from Spain released in 2015 that tells the story of Macarena Ferreiro, a naive woman that commited a crime because her boss told her to do it and she couldn't say 'no' to him because was in love, so she stole a lot of money for his boss (and lover at the same time) causing that she ended in jail.

She arrived to the jail called 'Cruz del Sur' and she receives a seven-year sentence and she can't go out unless her family paid a lot of money that they don't have. In the jail she knew a lot of danger prisoners but the cruelest is Zulema Zahir, a killer that is going to pass her whole life in prision so she doesn't care about anything. A girl in the prison died and everyone in the prison found a secret: she had a lot of  hidden money in a place near the prison. So, the father of Macarena and Zulema's boyfriend are runing after the money while the girls are fighting each other in the jail.

Macarena has to face many things like the fact that she is pregnant and her boss is the father of the baby, she is falling in love of a prison guard and a cellmate at the same time. And there is a doctor in the prison that harasses her in multiple times.
I love this show because you can see many things going on while you noticed an evolution of Macarena, she experiences many changes on his personality and that is something that I love about this show, that the characters aren't the same while the series proceed.

I highly recommend it, is very funny and interesting :).

2 comentarios:

  1. I really liked the review of the series, when I have time I will look for it to see it.

  2. I haven't watch it yet, I hope watch it soon, because it sounds interesting.


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