lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

My Blogging Experience

Hello, this is the last blog and I'm going to write about the whole experience.

At the begining I wasn't sure about the idea of the blog because I haven't done a thing like this in my life. I'm talking about the things that I like and writing my opinions about them, so this was a new experience for me and it wasn't as bad as I used to think.

The blog experience is very entertaining because it is very personal, every person has different ideas about the world and reading all these ideas is very interesting. I used to think that my writting skills were very bad but now I realized that the secret of writing is practice. We -as a class- were writting every week about our lives and important things related to our career called Dentistry. So I think that now I can summarize information and pick the right ideas, because sometimes you have a lot of ideas but when you're writing a blog you have to choose the important ones.

I would like to include topics that are importants in our society, like political subjects, religion, trans people and their rights, abortion, and other things that could be a little sensitive but we haven't got a lot of opportunities to talk about, so it would be a good chance to do it.

Personally I would like to write I little bit more about music because it is interesting and I think that there is a lot of variety of preferences in this group, also when you're in the process of knowing people you can always ask about their favourite music, this kind of thing can tell you a lot about people.

2 comentarios:

  1. I have read so many blogs that wanted to write about music, I'd like that idea. <3 I will miss your blog, Im your fan Nº ONE <33333333333333333


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