martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Iceland: Country of Ice and Fire

In spite of considering myself a warm person, the country I would like to visit is Iceland. The Nordic  island country that has more ice than people.

I always have been curious about this country because a lot of people think that this is the 'best country of the world' and I have researched a lot of things about it so I decided that I would love to visit this country. I'm not an expert about it but I know that their education system is very different that ours.When they are kids, they are not forced to study the same subjects or being under pressure because of the tests or homeworks. Actually they don't have to stay sitting at a desk, they have to discover things themselfs and they learn about how to interact with other people, a lot of this activities are outdoors and I think it's a very healthy way to learn in your first years of education because I remember having a lot of anxiety when I was a kid.

I would like to visit all the volcanoes that Iceland has, I know that it sound scary but they are really beautiful. I would also like to try Iceland food because they have different kinds of meat like Hákarl (a weird way to eat shark) and they are ice-cream fans. I love cold weather so that wouldn't be a problem to me, the real problem is that there are not any Mcdonalds.

I would like to have studied in Iceland when I was a child and I would like to work in Iceland in the future because they have equal pay and they don't discriminate about your ethnicity, nationality or sexual orientation. The police have no guns and there is almost no crime. In this moment of my life I wouldn't like to live in Iceland but when I become an old man I would like to have a relaxed life and this country is very quiet. Also they have one of the best life expectancies of the world.
But first of all, I have to learn icelandic.

3 comentarios:

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