s谩bado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Is butter a carb? 馃崕馃崺馃嵃馃崟馃崝

I'm a big fan of food, it makes me very happy and I like almost all kind of food but if I eat something  and it has onions on it, I wouldn't eat it at all. I don't like spicy food that much so Indian food is not my favourite. I'm very simple, I'm happy with pizza and I love pizza. I don't care if is home made or from a restaurant I would probably eat it.

I also like sushi because it has a lot of variety, sushi can contain meat, vegetables, even cheese and I like the most of this combinations. But, last year I went to a sushi restaurant and while I was eating sushi, I found a little piece of plate, I wasn't hurt but I talked to the manager and she gives me a lot of free sushi.

I always think that homemade food is unique. I can eat a lot of things in several places but the food that my mom or my grandma make is special. Everytime that I go to my grandma's house I eat A LOT, she always tells me that I'm too skinny and I need to eat every dessert that she made, of course I can't say no but I feel like I need to roll to get out of that house.
I really like Chilean food, when I spent many time eating things like pizza I get bored and I need to eat things like cazuela. I also think that Chilean food can be very healthy because of the vegetables.
I have a really good relationship with vegetables and fruits, I like all fruits and I like to mix them.

In spite of my love for food I don't know how to cook, I would like to learn how to do it but right know I don't know how to cook most of things.

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Do you ever feel weird?. Love simon馃挆

My favourite movie ever is Love simon and I'm going to tell you my story about it.

Last year, I was on Facebook when someone (I don't remember who was) sent me the movie trailer, I was very excited because I felt very represented with the story. So, I found out that it was based on a book called Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda that it became my favourite book for a while -because Call me by your name stole my heart- and only took me one day to read it, I was fascinated. 

This book centers on Simon Spier, a regular teenager with a regular family and regular friends. He watch movies with his parents, he drinks too much coffee with his friends and is all very normal, but he has a big secret: he is gay.
He is always trying to hide this secret and be 'normal'. One day he starts to chat with a guy from his school about this things but Simon doesn't know who is this guy, he only knows his nickname: Blue. Instead of this, they started to fall in love but they are too scared of the reaction from the people of the school. One day, a boy from his school called Martin finds this messages and forced Simon to help him because Martin likes Simon's best friend Abby. If Simon can't help Martin, Martin is going to post the messages.
Simon started to suspect of 3 boys from his school and he tries to figure out who is Blue while he is trying to convince Abby to go on a date with Martin. Abby found out the truth and get  mad with Simon; Martin post the messages and everyone find out that Simon is gay. He tells his parents about this and they are really cool with everything. Simon apologyzed with his friends and they support him a lot. Simon post his story online and he writes that he is going to be in a ferries wheel the next day.
Blue finally came and Simon discover that Blue is one of his closest friends called Bram, but Simon never thought that Bram was gay.
They talk about it and Simon is happy because he was talking for months with his friend and he feels that they are falling in love.

I was sad because I used to think that this movie wouldn't get to Chile, but one day my best friend calls me urgently because the premiere of the movie it was going to be the same day of my birthday and she got the tickets for the movie.
I remember being really happy watching this movie while my best friend was literally crying because she told me that Simon was very similar to me and she gets very emotional with the story.
Every time that I feel sad I watch this movie, it always gets me very emotional and it gives me chills. I don't know how but always before I watch this movie I feel better with myself.

I like Simon because I think we are very similar (not just because we both look like twinks) because we are not very extrovert people like most of people expect that 'gay men are', but we are very proud of ourselves. Like Simon, in school I just wanted to be unnoticed and every time that a teacher ask me about what I think of gay rights I felt very uncomfortable and nervious. But now I don't have any problem, I have a family that accepts me and close friends that loves me as I am.
Finally, one of Simon's best friend called Leah is portrayed by Katherine Langford (13 Reasons why) that is one of my favourite actress. Also there is a song is this movie called 'Strawberries and
Cigarettes' that is one of my favourites songs ever, is from Troye Sivan (my favourite singer). 
So, there isn't a thing about this movie that I didn't like. 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

The Best Holidays Ever ➽➽➽

Hi, today I'm going to tell you guys about the best holidays ever.
3 years ago I went to Iquique with my dad and we stayed in a hotel for a week. I was a little bit nervous at the beginning because went on a plane for the first time, but it was a great experience. 

I remember that the view was beautiful because you could see many colors between the clouds. You can visit a lot of places like old towns were people used to live many years ago, or you can see big sailboats or go to a boat trip while a guide tell you the history of Iquique.

But my favourite place was the beach, there is a lot of beaches in Iquique and I think that they are very different because of the sand and the ocean. You can do many sports like surf, kayak or paragliding, I specially like the last one because you can see a great view of the city and is very relaxing.

It was the best experience because I remember that I do a lot of things that I never did before and I knew very special people in that place. Also, it was a good experience because of the food that we eat. I visited a seafood restaurant and I used to go every day.
I had so much fun and for the first time I could talk to my dad about things that I couldn't before so our relationship was better since that trip.
I would like to go again.

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Iceland: Country of Ice and Fire

In spite of considering myself a warm person, the country I would like to visit is Iceland. The Nordic  island country that has more ice than people.

I always have been curious about this country because a lot of people think that this is the 'best country of the world' and I have researched a lot of things about it so I decided that I would love to visit this country. I'm not an expert about it but I know that their education system is very different that ours.When they are kids, they are not forced to study the same subjects or being under pressure because of the tests or homeworks. Actually they don't have to stay sitting at a desk, they have to discover things themselfs and they learn about how to interact with other people, a lot of this activities are outdoors and I think it's a very healthy way to learn in your first years of education because I remember having a lot of anxiety when I was a kid.

I would like to visit all the volcanoes that Iceland has, I know that it sound scary but they are really beautiful. I would also like to try Iceland food because they have different kinds of meat like H谩karl (a weird way to eat shark) and they are ice-cream fans. I love cold weather so that wouldn't be a problem to me, the real problem is that there are not any Mcdonalds.

I would like to have studied in Iceland when I was a child and I would like to work in Iceland in the future because they have equal pay and they don't discriminate about your ethnicity, nationality or sexual orientation. The police have no guns and there is almost no crime. In this moment of my life I wouldn't like to live in Iceland but when I become an old man I would like to have a relaxed life and this country is very quiet. Also they have one of the best life expectancies of the world.
But first of all, I have to learn icelandic.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

My Blogging Experience

Hello, this is the last blog and I'm going to write about the whole experience.

At the begining I wasn't sure about the idea of the blog because I haven't done a thing like this in my life. I'm talking about the things that I like and writing my opinions about them, so this was a new experience for me and it wasn't as bad as I used to think.

The blog experience is very entertaining because it is very personal, every person has different ideas about the world and reading all these ideas is very interesting. I used to think that my writting skills were very bad but now I realized that the secret of writing is practice. We -as a class- were writting every week about our lives and important things related to our career called Dentistry. So I think that now I can summarize information and pick the right ideas, because sometimes you have a lot of ideas but when you're writing a blog you have to choose the important ones.

I would like to include topics that are importants in our society, like political subjects, religion, trans people and their rights, abortion, and other things that could be a little sensitive but we haven't got a lot of opportunities to talk about, so it would be a good chance to do it.

Personally I would like to write I little bit more about music because it is interesting and I think that there is a lot of variety of preferences in this group, also when you're in the process of knowing people you can always ask about their favourite music, this kind of thing can tell you a lot about people.

s谩bado, 29 de junio de 2019

A TV Series I’ve Enjoyed Watching

Hi again, today i'm going to talk abot a TV series I've enjoyed watching:

Vis a Vis!

Vis a vis is a drama tv show from Spain released in 2015 that tells the story of Macarena Ferreiro, a naive woman that commited a crime because her boss told her to do it and she couldn't say 'no' to him because was in love, so she stole a lot of money for his boss (and lover at the same time) causing that she ended in jail.

She arrived to the jail called 'Cruz del Sur' and she receives a seven-year sentence and she can't go out unless her family paid a lot of money that they don't have. In the jail she knew a lot of danger prisoners but the cruelest is Zulema Zahir, a killer that is going to pass her whole life in prision so she doesn't care about anything. A girl in the prison died and everyone in the prison found a secret: she had a lot of  hidden money in a place near the prison. So, the father of Macarena and Zulema's boyfriend are runing after the money while the girls are fighting each other in the jail.

Macarena has to face many things like the fact that she is pregnant and her boss is the father of the baby, she is falling in love of a prison guard and a cellmate at the same time. And there is a doctor in the prison that harasses her in multiple times.
I love this show because you can see many things going on while you noticed an evolution of Macarena, she experiences many changes on his personality and that is something that I love about this show, that the characters aren't the same while the series proceed.

I highly recommend it, is very funny and interesting :).

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject I Enjoyed Studying this Semester

Hi again!

Today I'm going to tell you guys about a subject that I like, I choose English ( I'm not a bootlicker believe me). This class is about the English language in general terms, but associated with interesting topics or topics related with our carrer (Dentistry). There are levels of English classes based on a test that has an audio with questions about it.

I like this class because it is more chilled than the others, we have different forms of test, not just tests on paper, we have presentations, conversations, etc. Here we can talk about topics like discrimination, gender-problems, drugs. And we've talked about important people like Nelson Mandela and his story. 

Unlike the others subjects, this class doesn't make me feel anxious, it is more relaxed and interesting at the same time. My favourite activity was looking for places in London because I could find several places that I didn't know, and a lot of these are free :)

Learning English is very important, it is one of the most spoken languages in the world, it can help you get many oportunities like jobs or relationship with other people around the world. You can also find more information in English than Spanish and it could be very helpful.

Is butter a carb? 馃崕馃崺馃嵃馃崟馃崝

I'm a big fan of food, it makes me very happy and I like almost all kind of food but if I eat something  and it has onions on it, I wou...